Witch – The Musical

Spent most of the spring preparing for and performing as a pit musician for the original, debut musical “Witch.” ” From the dawn of time, women have been demonized, feared and objectified whenever their power challenged the traditional order.   Weaving a thread from the Salem Witch trials through modern day politics, this world premiere musical […]

More Recording….

Finally had the chance to get back into the studio to see Todd and fine tune percussion…..something about a cow bell? [su_divider top=”no”] [su_slider source=”media: 272,273,274,275″ limit=”5″ link=”lightbox” title=”no”]

Jimmy Cherry Joins Old Lady Afro

This past summer, Jimmy was asked to join “Old Lady Afro,” a local 90’s cover band, with his good friends and frequent collaborators, Brian Martin (Bass) and Sam Stillwell (Drums). Chris Campbell rounds out the group which has been performing in the NOVA/DC Metro for the past several years. Jimmy brings his signature guitar style […]

Hello world!

  Welcome to the new jimmycherry.com!  We’re working on a long overdue update to Jimmy’s website and we’ll be adding more features and content soon.  Thanks for visiting!